CRM data archiving and backup strategy
Is your CRM getting bloated with more and more old data? Do you have a Salesforce data archiving strategy? Implementing a good iPaaS platform like Tray.io and a solid cloud strategy can help you reduce your ongoing SaaS bills.
How to automate spreadsheet to CRM data entry
Interconnecting data sources and automating as much as possible is a must to optimise your business.
Automate CRM call execution in Slack from Salesforce
Improve the efficiency of your sales team!
How? With a quick and easy “get next call” functionality directly from within Slack. -
Automate sensitive data removal
We explore a crucial topic for businesses: identifying and removing Personal Identifiable Information (PII) from data. This topic and approach is especially useful today when working with Generative AI API: ChatGPT and we do not want to send to OpenAI our sensitive data.